Sailfish Pickers
API DocumentationDownloadPickerPage QML Type
A download picker for selecting a single downloaded file More...
Import Statement: | import Sailfish.Pickers 1.0 |
- selectedContent : url
- selectedContentProperties : var
- title : string
Detailed Description
Here is an example usage:
import QtQuick 2.2 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 import Sailfish.Pickers 1.0 ApplicationWindow { initialPage: Component { Page { id: page property string selectedDownloadedFile ValueButton { anchors.centerIn: parent label: "Downloaded file" value: selectedDownloadedFile ? selectedDownloadedFile : "None" onClicked: pageStack.push(downloadPickerPage) } Component { id: downloadPickerPage DownloadPickerPage { title: "Select download" onSelectedContentPropertiesChanged: { page.selectedDownloadedFile = selectedContentProperties.filePath } } } } } }
Use MultiDownloadPickerDialog for picking multiple downloaded files.
See also DocumentPickerPage, FilePickerPage, ImagePickerPage, MusicPickerPage, and VideoPickerPage.
Property Documentation
This property holds url of the selected content.
See also selectedContentProperties.
This property holds the selected content item.
The selectedContentProperties value contains following members.
- fileName - file name without path
- filePath - full file path including file name
- url - filePath formatted as url
- title - name of the file, this can be fetched from metadata of the file
- mimeType - mime type of the file for example "image/jpeg", "image/png", "application/pdf", "video/mp4", "audio/mpeg"