Sailfish Webview
API DocumentationConfirmPopupInterface QML Type
A component which defines the interface for the confirm popup More...
Import Statement: | import Sailfish.WebView.Popups 1.0 |
Inherits: |
- text : string
Detailed Description
The ConfirmPopupInterface
QML type is exposed through the Sailfish.WebView.Popups
QML import namespace.
Clients who use a WebView in their application may wish to customize the appearance or behavior of the confirm popup in their application.
To do so, their implementation must extend the ConfirmPopupInterface
, which itself extends the UserPromptInterface, and then they must tell the WebView to use their implementation via the popupProvider
The keys assigned to acceptText and cancelText will always be one of "OK", "Cancel", "Yes", "No", "Save", "DontSave", "Revert" or the empty string. If only DOM javascript is being used, only "OK" and "Cancel" will ever be sent. A custom implementation using privileged code to call functions from the nsIPromptService or nsIPrompt interfaces has more flexibility to trigger popups which use the other keys.
See also UserPromptInterface and custompopups.
Property Documentation
The text to display as the confirmation information message
A custom implementation should bind the text
property of their confirmation information text label to the value of this property.
This label will describe to the user what the site is asking them to confirm or deny, allowing the user to make an informed acceptance or rejection decision.