Sailfish Crypto
API DocumentationResult QML Type
The result of a crypto operation More...
Import Statement: | import Sailfish.Crypto 1.0 |
- code : enumeration
- errorCode : enumeration
- errorMessage : string
- storageErrorCode : int
Detailed Description
Property Documentation
The result code associated with the result
Constant | Value |
Succeeded | |
Pending | |
Failed |
The error code associated with the result
Constant | Value |
NoError | |
UnknownError | |
SerializationError | |
StorageError | |
DaemonError | |
DiscoveryError | |
InvalidCryptographicServiceProvider | |
InvalidStorageProvider | |
InvalidKeyIdentifier | |
DuplicateKeyIdentifier | |
CryptoManagerNotInitializedError | |
InvalidInitializationVectorError | |
InvalidAuthenticationTagError | |
OperationNotSupportedError | |
BlockModeNotSupportedError | |
EncryptionPaddingNotSupportedError | |
SignaturePaddingNotSupportedError | |
DigestNotSupportedError | |
EmptySecretKeyError | |
EmptyPrivateKeyError | |
EmptyPublicKeyError | |
EmptyDataError | |
EmptySignatureError | |
CryptoPluginEncryptionError | |
CryptoPluginDecryptionError | |
CryptoPluginRandomDataError | |
CryptoPluginCipherSessionError | |
CryptoPluginKeyGenerationError | |
CryptoPluginKeyImportError | |
CryptoPluginDigestError | |
CryptoPluginSigningError | |
CryptoPluginVerificationError | |
CryptoPluginAuthenticationTagError | |
CryptoPluginInvalidCipherSessionToken | |
CryptoPluginIncorrectPassphrase | |
CryptoPluginIsLockedError | |
NetworkError | |
NetworkSslError | |
HttpContinue | |
HttpSwitchingProtocol | |
HttpOk | |
HttpCreated | |
HttpAccepted | |
HttpNonAuthoritativeInformation | |
HttpNoContent | |
HttpResetContent | |
HttpPartialContent | |
HttpMultipleChoice | |
HttpMovedPermanently | |
HttpFound | |
HttpSeeOther | |
HttpNotModified | |
HttpUseProxy | |
HttpUnused | |
HttpTemporaryRedirect | |
HttpPermanentRedirect | |
HttpBadRequest | |
HttpUnauthorized | |
HttpPaymentRequired | |
HttpForbidden | |
HttpNotFound | |
HttpMethodNotAllowed | |
HttpNotAcceptable | |
HttpProxyAuthenticationRequired | |
HttpRequestTimeout | |
HttpConflict | |
HttpGone | |
HttpLengthRequired | |
HttpPreconditionFailed | |
HttpPayloadTooLarge | |
HttpUriTooLong | |
HttpUnsupportedMediaType | |
HttpRequestRangeNotSatisfiable | |
HttpExpectationFailed | |
HttpMisdirectedRequest | |
HttpUpgradeRequired | |
HttpPreconditionRequired | |
HttpTooManyRequests | |
HttpRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge | |
HttpUnavailableForLegalReasons | |
HttpInternalServerError | |
HttpNotImplemented | |
HttpBadGateway | |
HttpServiceUnavailable | |
HttpGatewayTimeout | |
HttpVersionNotSupported | |
HttpVariantAlsoNegotiates | |
HttpInsufficientStorage | |
HttpNetworkAuthenticationRequired | |
OtherError |