API Documentation
Documentation for developing SailfishOS applicationsWhat's New in Silica for Sailfish 2.0
In Sailfish 2.0, we've redesigned the appearance and behaviour of a variety of Silica UI components. We've also made API changes to provide more customization abilities and make it easier to scale UI layouts for different screen sizes.
Here is a summary of the Silica changes in Sailfish 2.0.
Significant UX changes
UI component design updates
Various UI components have been redesigned or tweaked; here are the most noticeable changes.
- Cover actions
- Cover actions are now invoked by "tap" rather than "drag" actions. This is to avoid interference with the horizontal-swipe gestures on the Home and Events screens.
- PullDownMenu, PushUpMenu and ContextMenu
- Pulley menus are now revealed with a smoother look and feel: the response to the drag action has been improved and menus now open with a smooth gradient at the opened edge.
- Pulley menus and context menus now indicate the current selection with a larger rectangular background, similar to the effect of pressing on a ListItem. For pulley menus, the selection background now blinks briefly to indicate an option has been selected.
- RemorseItem and RemorsePopup
- The countdown animation is now visually segmented and has a darker background. Remorse pop-ups now slide upwards when closed.
- Button
- Buttons now have a rectangular background with rounded corners, rather than an underline.
- DatePickerDialog
- The dialog now shows the days of the week above the grid of dates.
- The selected date is no longer used as the acceptText and is shown beneath the dialog header instead.
- TimePickerDialog
- The selected time is no longer used as the acceptText and is shown in the center of the clock instead.
Recommended UX patterns
- Theme.horizontalPageMargin should now be used instead of Theme.paddingLarge for the spacing between the left and right edges of a page and its content.
- A dialog header's acceptText should no longer be used to indicate the user-selected value in a dialog. This is reflected by the changes to DatePickerDialog and TimePickerDialog, which now show the selected date and time elsewhere in the dialog.
Notable implementation changes
- Theme values have been updated to scale for different screen sizes.
- Theme.highlightText() now returns styled text rather than rich text.
- ContextMenu can now be used without any MenuItem children.
API additions and changes
New QML types and C++ library updates
- FadeAnimator added
- This is a a non-blocking version of FadeAnimation that animates in the render thread. Use this in preference to FadeAnimation.
- The Screen object is now available from the C++
library. (Note that Theme is also available from this library.)
API changes to existing types
Singleton objects
- Theme
- Theme values have been updated to scale for different screen sizes.
- Theme.highlightText() now returns styled text rather than rich text.
- Theme.horizontalPageMargin added for applying left and right edge page margins
- Additional icon sizes: Theme.iconSizeExtraSmall, Theme.iconSizeSmallPlus, Theme.iconSizeExtraLarge
- Button sizes introduced: Theme.buttonWidthSmall, Theme.buttonWidthMedium, Theme.buttonWidthLarge
- Screen
- New Screen.sizeCategory property to represent the device screen size
UI components
- ApplicationWindow
- defaultAllowedOrientations added for device-specific default orientations
- Button
- preferredWidth added for controlling button width
- highlightBackgroundColor added
- BusyIndicator
added for size configuration
- ContextMenu
- hasContent added as context menus no longer require MenuItem children
- CoverActionList
- window property added for changing the window of the cover actions
- DatePicker
- leftMargin and rightMargin added for content margin configuration
- daysVisible, weeksVisible and monthYearVisible for UI configuration
replaced by cellWidth and cellHeight- DetailItem
- leftMargin and rightMargin added for content margin configuration
- DialogHeader
- cancelText and defaultCancelText added for header text configuration
- leftMargin and rightMargin added for content margin configuration
- PageHeader
- leftMargin and rightMargin added for content margin configuration
- RemorseItem
- leftMargin and rightMargin added for content margin configuration
- RemorsePopup
- leftMargin and rightMargin added for content margin configuration
- ValueButton
- leftMargin and rightMargin added for content margin configuration
- ViewPlaceholder
- textFormat added
- leftMargin and rightMargin added for content margin configuration